Friday, March 13, 2009

9 months and no excuse!

Parker is 9 months old as of Tuesday and there is no excuse for me not to have updated the blog in over two weeks. Life is hectic, and with the spring time weather, all I want to do is be outside with the little man. According to our appointment on Tuesday, Parker now weighs 25 pounds and is 31 and 3/4 inches long. The doctor says he is a healthy, happy baby boy. Only thing we need to work on is crawling. He is almost there, but prefers to roll or cry until picked up from his tummy. Once he is crawling, I will post a video, as we have been practicing for days.
As for what has been going on in our household, Budge went to Montreal a couple of weekends ago for a bachelor party. My mom and sister came up to keep us company. We had blast together and Parker always enjoys hanging out with Grandma and Aunt Chelsea.
Last week was a crazy one for our family as Parker got his first sickness with a fever. Paranoid as I am go to the doctor's office in a crazy hail storm only to find out that he is fighting the common cold. I had to take two half days from work but now he is back to his old smiley self. Now I know what to expect with a sick child = want to be held all the time and get nothing done! Can't say I did not enjoy the mid day naps! We finally put the for sale sign in front of our house on Sunday. Amazingly we have had a great response but no takers yet. My outlook is still good although it is sad to have to move. I hope this post finds everyone well and I will be better at posting I promise.
Listening to Grandma Mady!
Loves to read!

Thinking my mom is crazy for hanging out in the front yard!

Love the expression!

He loves KD the dog!
Yummy yogurt!

What a clean up!! Next time just a diaper!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Too cute! I love the yogurt pics-- that is definitely one way to eat it!