Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are some pictures of our pumpkin patch adventure. Happy Halloween everyone!
Corn Maze fun!

Trying to stay up!

Let's go this way!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First birthday

Colton turned one. Notice the scar on the forehead. Happened when three grandparents were supposedly watching him:) He is walking all over and wants to be his brothers shadow which means we are constantly chasing them around. I am trying to catch up on blogging. Might take me a few days.

The Winnie the Pooh cake we made for our little guy.

He wasn't too sure of it.

P feeding Bryn. I love these two!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer 2011

Well, summer officially came to end for me two weeks ago when school started back up. The boys and I lots of little mini vacations. We drove to Tahoe twice, Lake Almanor, Black Butte Oregon and to the bay area. Colton is almost a year now. He constantly babbles and is taking a few steps here and there. I am pretty positive he will be moving by his first birthday. Parker starts official preschool on Monday and is so excited to start learning. I have to say it makes me so happy. Being the teacher, I already have pencils ready for him to start writing his name. As for Budge and I, we are just getting back into the swing of both of us working again. Hope you enjoy a few photos from our summer.

Colton getting his first haircut by Grandma Linda.

Boating time. Life is rough for these two.

Friday, July 8, 2011

5 years already...

5 years ago today I married my best friend. Thanks Budge for being an amazing husband, friend and father. I couldn't ask for more.
With that being said, today it just so happens that both boys are napping at the same time:) So I sat down, after picking up all the toys, to peek through our wedding album and reminise about the fabulous party we had with all of our family and friends 5 years ago. All I could do was smile. It was truly the happiest day of my life along with the birth of our two sons.
So here is to the next five years and a vision of flying somewhere exotic kid free. In my dreams, right, but any grandparents reading they will be 5 and 7. Fun ages I swear I teach that age all year long. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July 2011

(Got to love family photos with the ages we have)

We started an annual family to trip to Bend, Oregon for the Fourth of July to spend it with our dear friends Doug and Andrea, along with their daughter Olivia. The boys did great on the car ride there. Parker had a blast playing outside, exploring new territory and getting to have a play date each day with Miss Olivia. We can't thank you guys enough for letting us stay with you. Hope everyone had a great holiday.

Loving the dirt! Don't ask about the helmet!

Finding some teepees to play in.

Hot enough to play in the pool.

Watching the pet parade.

Trying to get a picture with the two of them is not happening.

Happy 4th of July!

The only kid allowed to stay up later and make s'mores was P. He absolutely loved it.

Trying to show him what to do.

Finished product.
He is saying cheese in this picture with a full mouth.