Friday, July 8, 2011

5 years already...

5 years ago today I married my best friend. Thanks Budge for being an amazing husband, friend and father. I couldn't ask for more.
With that being said, today it just so happens that both boys are napping at the same time:) So I sat down, after picking up all the toys, to peek through our wedding album and reminise about the fabulous party we had with all of our family and friends 5 years ago. All I could do was smile. It was truly the happiest day of my life along with the birth of our two sons.
So here is to the next five years and a vision of flying somewhere exotic kid free. In my dreams, right, but any grandparents reading they will be 5 and 7. Fun ages I swear I teach that age all year long. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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