Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Break 2009 & Seattle

Sorry I have been lagging on blogging. We have had a busy week. My mom came to visit last weekend for a night and she enjoyed every minute of reading and watching P walk all about. Thanks mom for coming up. It is always nice to see you!

Trying to find things in the pumpkin with Grandma!

New favorite thing is to push the stroller himself.
On Monday, Parker and I headed to Seattle for a few days with the Perry family. Little did we know when we planned the trip it would be the first few days in their brand new house. We had a blast going to the aquarium, discovery museum and the mall play area. The weather was beautiful minus the dreadful down pour we got ourselves into at the Space Needle. Regardless, it was great to spend time with an old friend and our kids. Thank you for all the hospitality and cannot wait to make the trip again soon.

Ready for the Seattle rain!

Loved to play Peek A Boo in the octopus.

Space Needle with sunny skies.

Pushing the buttons.

Loved the slide!

Driving the bus.

Enjoyed the poo machine. Better pic coming from Andrea!

After a long day this is what we found in the backseat.

And the jewelry box... Need I say more!

P and baby Olivia.

Fun at the mall.

Thanks for having us! We had a blast!
I am absolutely loving this stage with Parker. He is curious about the world around him and tried to communicate with me as often as he can. The smile that comes on his face when Budge or I gets home is incredible. Well, it is back to work for me on Monday. So sad, but I can handle another five weeks and then it is Thanksgiving. Crazy:) Everyone enjoy their weekend. I know I will:)

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