Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer is almost here!!!

This weekend the temperature was over 100 and we decided to head to Lake Almanor to stay somewhat cooler. Our weekend started on Friday morning with the annual Rodeo pancake breakfast in the street. For some strange reason I have been to this event every year since I have lived in Redding. It is pretty crazy how they close down the street and people line up at 5 a.m. for pancakes. Anyways we had to take Parker and he loved it. After he was finished eating he just got to be the center of attention on the table.

Budge picked me up after school and we headed out for the lake. It was beautiful when we got there. On Satruday we thought we were going to go on a hike to find out the road was still snowed in. So we headed down the mountain and hiked out to the like to the mouth of some river to see if there was any good fishing. I am beginning to think that I need to take up fishing. Then we went back to the house and took Parker on an 18 mile bike ride. He had a great time. Today we headed home and I blew up this frog pool for him to play in since it was so hot. Hope everyone has a great week. Next weekend Budge's birthday, San Francisco and a three day weekend! So exciting!!!

I am ready to go!

Budge trying to figure out where we are going.
Having a blast!
Beautiful walk with Mount Lassen in the background!

Parker and I

We let Parker take a break in the water during the bike ride. He is definitely going to be a water baby!

We stopped along the way back at a restaurant. We were all filthy including Parker so I decided to spike his hair.
Loving the water!


andrea perry said...

Where did you find that pool? It's so adorable!

Anonymous said...

I am so crashing that pool next time I come up. Move over Parker!