Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

Well, I made it through my first full week back at work. I have a wonderful class so I cannot complain but it is hard to leave the boys in the morning. We had a pretty wet week so there were plenty of puddles for Parker to play in on Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market. I wish I had a camera because he was having the time of his life. Saturday night Budge took the kids down to my school for our annual fall festival. Parker enjoyed playing the games at the booths and was scared by the man with the mask at the haunted house. He woke up the next morning telling me "Mommy, man in mask went Roar!" I had to work the ticket booth so I did not get to enjoy the festivities with them. Colton has been a great baby. He is quite the trooper going everywhere with us and is mesmerized by his big brother. He is sleeping pretty well 4 hour stints here and there but the past two nights he has only wanted to sleep in the swing after the middle of the night feeding. Currently, I am on survival mode and am just going with the flow on that one. One of these breaks I will try to cease that habit if it becomes one.
Onto Halloween, what a difference a year makes! Last year, Parker had no idea what the whole trick or treating thing was, however this year he was trying to keep up with the big kids and it was hilarious watching him walk up to every house and say trick-or-treat. The majority of the time he even said thank you too. Working on manners is constant. Anyways, now mom and dad have a ton of candy to get rid of as we are trying to get rid of the pregnancy pounds. We tried to get pictures but P was alittle to into the festivities. Have a great first week of November. Oh yeah, GO GIANTS!!! I am so excited that they won. Now I need to try to explain to P that we do not normally watch tv at night. hmmm.

Cupcake making or should I say destroying!

The trick or treating clan!

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