Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lazy Days!

Well, history was made this week with the inauguration of Obama. I had to get the paper to keep the news story for Parker's baby book. Aside from that, Parker finally cut three of the four teeth on the top and I think the last one will pop through sometime this week. We have been trying to get him to crawl. He is pretty good at lifting himself and he is beginning to move his legs around, but not yet crawling. He continues to babble all the time and I am so excited that he has started to say "mom" or "mama" even though he does not know yet that I am mom. He has such a belly laugh now and still continues to make us the happiest parents around. Wishing everyone an awesome last week of January!

In his new bathtub. Thanks Grandma Linda!
Lifting himself up.

Trying to get those legs going.

Then a partial roll over.

New chair Grandma Mady got him.

He loves playing with our iPhones. Budge just gives him the case to play with.

Basically, this morning Parker just vegged out in my lap with his blanket. He is so cuddly and I love it.

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