On Friday, we went to visit Parker's great-grandparents. They were so excited to have us all over for lunch and were amazed at how big he has gotten. That night we went to a beautiful wedding in El Dorado Hills which is near Sacramento. We brought Parker's vibrating chair to the reception and he was content pretty much the whole time. Of course, he started to cry right as the bride was walking down the aisle, so I took him for alittle walk. How embarassing! Oh well, that is what babies do.

Parker talking with great grandma Jane!

Uncle Chris, Dad and Parker.
On Saturday, we headed up to the lake house for a birthday celebration. He was once again a great baby, but as far as sleeping went he was up every hour on the hour. I was ready to come back to his crib and try for sleeping another 5 hours at a time.
Today, we went for Parker's two month doctor's appointment. Here is where he is currently:
Weight: 15 pounds 8 oz. 90th percentile
Height: 24 1/2 inches 95th percentile
He had three shots and cried only for a few minutes. He is doing very well and hope all of you are too!

Parker just hanging out on the couch.