As for Parker, well he is full throttle into his twos. Throwing fits here and there, challenging us on our parenting and is an overall joy to be around. I really mean that. There is nothing better than for family and friends to say what a great boy he is. He says hi to everyone anywhere we go, does and says silly things to make us smile, and comes home covered in dirt most days. He absolutely loves Colton and is so protective of him. We are in the process of potty training which is interesting to say the least. For all of you who have been through this what did you do:) He gets better each day but I think our washing machine has never seen so much laundry.
As for us as Budge and Courtney, I have been given the honor to matron of honor at my dear friend Ashley's wedding in May. We had a bridal shower for her this month which was a blast. We are heading to NY for her bachelorette party. First time being away for three nights EVER. I hope Budge can handle it. He is a great father so I am not worried. We continue to work hard and enjoy this AMAZING weather. Lots of outdoor stuff. I cannot believe that it has been over 70 degrees for the past week and half. I promise to be a better blogger and take more pictures. It is true what they say about the second. You do not take nearly as many photos:( Have a great week everyone!