Monday, April 5, 2010

I have been the worst blogger lately. Now that spring break is here, I decided I should probably update. Life has been on the go with a toddler, expecting another one, work and all that comes in between that. We had a great Easter yesterday with the whole grandparent clan, despite the rainy weather. Parker had a great time dying Easter eggs, looking for plastic eggs and all of his gifts from the Easter bunny.
As for other things, we made a trip to Tahoe in the middle of March which was absolutely gorgeous. It took us a good nine hours to get there but P loved looking at the big rig trucks parked next to us. What entertainment for a little guy. Parker made snowmen and threw snowballs.
Not much else new, we find out on April 15th if we are having a boy or a girl. I think boy but who knows. I have been feeling great and am excited to be at the half way point in the pregnancy. Hope everyone has a great week. Enjoy some recent pics.

Proud of his Easter eggs!

Playing with his trucks on Easter morning!